Saturday, August 23, 2008

Appreciation of friends

I guess this isn't the deepest, or most dramatic or meaningful entry, but it's what's really on my mind today -- how much I appreciate friends.  I especially enjoy the friends who don't get jealous if I don't call or write them every week, but are there and ready whenever I reach out to connect, even after years. And many do the same occasional reaching out to me. It feels like the invisible waves that make cell phones work. You can't see whatever it is, but the connection is there just waiting to be dialed up wherever you, and they, happen to be.

I've felt such gratitude for those connections these past couple of weeks when I was appealing to people for help in marketing my forgiveness books. Frankly, I do hope some sales results will follow, but mostly I am just awed -- actually to tears -- with the caring responses. 

The flip side is the work it takes to figure out what I can do with this blog and with membership on Facebook and suggestions like writing for e-zine. Now I'm also exploring some of the suggestions for publishing "The Book of Mrs. Job." I must say, I do appreciate whoever it was who responded to the question, "How do you become a best seller?" with "... by being a best seller."  Fortunately I don't aspire to that, so I can take time to do all the other things I want to get involved in. 

Here's the bottom line. Thanks

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